About Me

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Tajul and sharifah's team. i'm a proud malay,half chinese and a lil indian. one malaysian is inside me, so say no to racism. engineer in the making.

it's over

I’ve been so busy all this while. I wanna post all about my last semester activities especially on hiking that I went to gunung bujang melaka at kampar perak. It was so adventure for me. I never thought that I’m capable to do all those activities. Even though I cried most of time because it’s not my world, but hey I’ve succeed . you should give me some credit. Later on hiking, because I’m going to write about something else

I may not an angel, but trust me I’m not a devil. Yes, I did bad things before. Well not before maybe after this I’ll still do the bad things that’s forbidden by the Almighty. Humans is not perfect. I’m trying to be perfect all the time but I’m not a prophet. I am human and I do sin.

I’m sorry if I ever hurt you. From the bottom of my heart I’m really sorry. I feel so vulnerable right now. I 've lost a number of friends that I really love. They were the love of my life. Yes, I see the point where I should take the blame. But if people know me good enough, it’s not the mistake I want to make it worst but I just want to be the attention seeker. When I’m close with someone, I just want the attention. I don’t want to be the last, I don’t want to be the black sheep. I want to share everything and I want to know everything. But, if that  the reason why people feel annoying with me, well I guess I see the point of not be your friend. Yes I’m sad. Nay, I feel devastated because I never have a long relationship, and I never love someone same as I love my family. My parents even think they have a few numbers of not related childrens. When all this happen, I cried at night because I don’t want my parents to know but at some point I feel so bodoh. Dari aku lebamkan mata aku baik aku tidur. When I think about that, I’m heal. Ok kartun gila.

No, I’m not going to continue. This is just hurts me. i’m going to heal, but give me time. I still have my family. I cried for what kaklin said to me. I never thought she’s so caring. She always be my side when I’ve been involve in an argument. Thank brooo~ eheheh.

K , I’m out. I want to go to home now. This office is so cold, I can feel my hands freezing.