About Me

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Tajul and sharifah's team. i'm a proud malay,half chinese and a lil indian. one malaysian is inside me, so say no to racism. engineer in the making.

aim for the star

i dont like camera. in fact i dont even own one. ok fine, is it handphone's camera count? kalau termasuk, then i have one camera. but last week, masa pergi  ambil gambar whole family untuk hari konvo kaklong, i saw something that is soo adorable, so cute, and on and on and on. 

fujifilm instant camera. how cute right? righttt? 

i know i'm not going to get this from my parents as i'm not going to ask from them. malu la nak minta papa umi sekarang, banyak cekadak aku. takkan tetiba, pa nak ni. ambooooiiii, rosaknya perangai kaaan. i have this one big tabung bottle susu yg penuh dengan resit. ye tuan-tuan dan puan-puan. saya sedar yang kegunaan tabung adalah untuk mengisi duit, malah saya mengisi resit. how stupid this kind of attitude. 

ok starting from now, i'm going to save my money to get this baby boo. yes, i said the term of save. jangan pandang rendah dekat aku. rm1 sehari pun dikira menabung. 300 hari, dah dapat rm300. ahh tercapai la kan ehehe. yes, 300 days sound soooo long. mana tahu dapat rezeki terpijak ada orang derma rm1, jadi la sehari tu rm2 menyimpan. ahahaha, ok bye.  fine nak kutuk sekarang, kutuk la. tunggu 300 hari lagi T_____T.

btw, cha nana a.k.a farhana mustaffah happy birthda! i love you baby girllll. may Allah bless you in here and after and all your wishes comes true. see you in upcoming 2 weeks. i lovee youu b;)