Found this. Then my mind brings me to him. I know i'm bad at making jokes, but he still laugh at it. I guess i found that 'someone'. The problem is i dont know if my 'someone' is my jodoh. He's too kind for me and i'm a sinner. Can a good person be with a sinner? May Allah forgive all my sin, and do not make my sin as a barrier to be with a good guy like him.
Rasa macam nak countdown setiap monthsary tapi nnti nampak macam beriya sangat. Takpe2 countdown dalam hati, nanti in sha Allah sampai anni dan jannah baru jerit kuat2 anni!, kuikuikui. It has been a while since i feel so in love. Takut juga, used to be so in love and we did not make it last, used to be so not care and also did not make it last, used to be 'biasa-biasa' and yeah did not last longer. Hmm tapi apa pun takdir kan? Dah takde jodoh. If anas is the one, aku memanjatkan rasa syukur kepada-Nya. My part is only pray for it. In sha Allah.
Dia lebih tahu apa yang tersurat lagi tersirat.
Dah kenapa malam jumaat ni rasa nak blues2 sangat. Ahh rindu mungkin. Kbye