About Me

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Tajul and sharifah's team. i'm a proud malay,half chinese and a lil indian. one malaysian is inside me, so say no to racism. engineer in the making.
i changed the link hihihi ;). there is some people that i think there is no need for them to know what revolve around me. they dont even like me and they are not my friend, they just want to know my ups and downs so that they can compare with their life. enough for me to be so childish and feel so much hatred to those kind of people. i just want to be the new me. but before i totally transform to the new me, i need to get rid of these people in my life so that i wont turn back to the old me. this is gonna be a place where i can write my thought, my feeling, and what so whatever without worry about what people think about me. i dont even care about the audience. i'm the director, actress and the audience of my life. i play my own role and judge my own drama.